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YTK Tutor

Finish your thesis more easily with YTK Tutor online training! Tutor is a free thesis training for all YTK student members. Click on OMA+ to join and take advantage of online training from experts for students!

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Help with your final project

Finish your studies and complete your thesis with practical tips from YTK Tutor online training’s experts!

The unique YTK Tutor, made specifically for students, will help you with concrete instructions and training to solve the most common challenges faced by thesis writers, from motivation to topic selection and writing.

Work out the kinks with your thesis – YTK Tutor will help you finish your final project!

You will get:

  • comprehensive online training that is part of your membership and is worth the money
  • content developed to meet the students’ needs, in collaboration with experts and students
  • help to improve motivation and performance
  • support for the general challenges of writing a thesis
  • tips on topic selection and writing

Why YTK Tutor?

YTK Tutor online training for students runs on the Howspace digital platform, where you can progress easily and flexibly on your own schedule – anytime, anywhere! The content is available in Finnish.

Start using YTK Tutor save time, effort and money

  1. Log in to the YTK Worklife OMA+ member service
  2. Check your membership number and click on the Member Benefits page
  3. Click on YTK Tutor and follow the registration instructions: make sure you use an email address other than your school, because you’re about to graduate!
  4. Confirm the registration received in your email and go to the training on the Howspace platform!

The YTK Tutor is designed to meet the needs of our student members for support in writing their final thesis and is developed together with students and experts to meet this need. The students’ wishes have been taken into account from the beginning, we have already received good feedback and we will continue to develop the coaching with the help of this feedback.

You’ll get all the valuable content from our expert coaches, plus the opportunity to share your experiences and feedback. Plus, you’ll get a discount on Simo Ahonen’s book Opinnäyte jumissa.

YTK Tutor experts

Simo Ahonen is a Master of Psychology, neuropsychiatric coach and educational psychologist at the University of Tampere. He has also worked as an educational psychologist at Lahti University of Applied Sciences (now LAB University of Applied Sciences) and is the author of the book Opinnäyte jumissa (2023). Simo did not read any books for three years after returning his thesis. He still has not read the final version of his thesis.
Kimmo Svinhufvud is a Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor and work coach (STOry). He works as a Lecturer in Finnish at the University of Helsinki Language Centre. Kimmo is the author of several popular books on writing and thesis supervision (e.g. Gradutakuu, Riittävän hyvää kirjoittamista, Kupliva kirjoittaminen). He also has a proven track record of writing his own thesis.

YTK Tutor is free for student members!

The thesis tutor is included in your membership

And hey, you’ll also have access to all the other top benefits of YTK Worklife – for just 1 € a month:

  • Travel with peace of mind, with leisure accident insurance that takes you around the world
  • Pick up job search skills, job application and CV templates from Cimson’s professional coaches
  • More free time by working more efficiently? See Office tips and master AI with Eduhouse’s online training courses
  • Polish your job booklet and salary negotiations with Legal Buddy
  • Get your security right at a lower cost with F-Secure
  • Exercise and feel good: member benefits save you money on hobbies, hotels and much more!

Always more prepared for the work life!

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