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Home Newsletter 4th December 2024

The safety net for your working life –legal advice, insu­rance and coaching for just 29 €

With a YTK Worklife membership, you get a wide range of support and valuable benefits, both in your everyday life and in your free time. Next year’s YTK Worklife membership costs 29 €. We will send you a membership invoice at the beginning of January.

Remember to keep your contact details up to date. Check and update them on OMA+ if necessary.

Woman holding a mug and smilingly lookin a man in the eye. Only the back side of the man be seen.
Photo Fanny Haga

Two young women and one young man sitting on the floor of a studio setting and having a good time

YTK Worklife Student Membership helps young people on their way to working life

The YTK Worklife Student Membership is intended for young people who are just entering the world of work and are not working and therefore cannot yet join the unemployment fund. We offer help with your studies and thesis, and prepare you for the transition to working life. Student membership includes all the benefits and services of the YTK Worklife, but not membership of the Unemployment Fund. Student membership costs just 12 € per year.

As a member of the YTK Worklife, you can count on support and security when you need it at work

Benefits and services can help you save up to thousands of euros a year. So make the most of your membership!

You have access to:

*) In order to benefit from the Legal Premium service and legal expenses insurance, you must have been a member of the YTK Worklife for at least 6 months before the incident.

A greying man sitting down and using a tablet while laughing

Thank you for your membership!