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Home Help your young person on the road to work with these tips

Help your young person on the road to work with these tips


  • Competence development
  • Income security
  • Job seeking
  • Jäsenyys
  • Legal assistance
  • Member benefit
  • Part-time job
  • Studies

Do you know a young person or student who is struggling with their future plans or needs help in making the transition to work? Many of them may not realise how important job skills and income security are during their studies. A student membership of the YTK helps students smoothly on their way to working life with a range of useful services. And if you work part-time, you should join the YTK Unemployment Fund and add the YTK Worklife Services. Read more and tell a young person you know!

Parents, grandparents, teachers and others who come into contact with young people have an important role to play in guiding young people into the world of work. Each of us can help them make a smoother transition towards a working life that feels like their own. Whether you are a young person preparing to enter the world of work or already in the workforce, being a member of the YTK can help you in many different situations!

YTK Student membership: for students who do not yet have a job

A YTK Worklife Student Membership is an excellent investment for both your studies and your future working life. For just 12 € a year, student members have access to a wide range of services and benefits.

YTK Student membership benefits include, for example:

  • YTK Tutor online training to help you complete your thesis or dissertation with practical tips, motivation, time management and guidance on scientific writing, using feedback and overcoming stumbling blocks. The unique Tutor has been built with us by writing and psychology experts Kimmo Svinhufvud and Simo Ahonen.
  • Leisure Accident Insurance provides additional cover for leisure time and is valid worldwide.
  • The Legal Buddy will answer your questions about employment law, for example, in relation to your employment relationship, contract or salary, and will help you with any queries you may have.
  • Job search and career coaching helps young people with career planning, job search, CV and job applications and preparing for job interviews. Young people get their own online coaching pathway, which also includes 1 hour of one-to-one coaching with a career counsellor.
  • Eduhouse’s online training courses offer a wide range of free courses to help you develop and maintain your skills for the world of work.
  • lots of other useful and value-for-money benefits for everyday life and leisure ranging from data security to sports and holiday benefits

These provide young students with concrete help, support and skills for the first stages of working life, and are also valuable during their studies.

However, income protection is not included in student membership, so if you are already working (even part-time), it is worth joining the YTK Unemployment Fund and adding the YTK Worklife membership benefits!

The combined membership of the YTK: job security for young people in work

Although the world of work may still seem a long way off to a young person, it’s still smart to think about income security while you’re still studying. For young people who work part-time, YTK fund membership is a cheap and easy way to ensure that they already have the working life requirement for income protection for part-time and summer jobs. This way, they can receive earnings-related unemployment insurance for possible future periods of unemployment. Thus, membership of a fund at a young age and meeting the working condition will provide financial security right from the start of your career. Find out more about why it pays to be a fund member now more than ever!

The most comprehensive benefits for working young people are therefore available by joining the YTK Unemployment Fund and adding the YTK Worklife membership benefits!

Tip a student about the YTK – towards a smoother working life!

YTK Worklife student membership and YTK Fund earnings-related unemployment insurance are investments that help young people build a strong foundation for their future careers. By telling your young person about the services and benefits of the YTK, you show that you care. Support at a young age goes a long way and can make a big difference to a smooth transition to working life and to a young person’s ability to look confidently towards their own working life!

Find out more about services and membership suitable for young people and students: