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Home How does a strike affect a YTK member?

How does a strike affect a YTK member?


  • Membership
  • YTK

Sometimes a strike or lockout may occur. Find out how a strike will affect you as a member of the YTK.

How does membership of the YTK affect in a strike?

Membership of the YTK Unemployment Fund or YTK Worklife is not affected by a strike.

The YTK Unemployment Fund is an independent unemployment fund open to all. The role of unemployment funds is limited by law to the payment of income support and related benefits.

Neither the unemployment funds nor YTK Worklife are parties to industrial action or collective bargaining. Therefore, their membership has no effect in the event of a strike.

Is the worker obliged to take part in the strike?

Everyone can decide for themselves. It is not compulsory, but it is possible.

If you are a member of a trade union and do not take part in a strike, the union may, depending on its rules, terminate your membership of the union. Membership of an unemployment fund or the YTK Worklife cannot be terminated on this basis.

Can I continue to work normally despite the strike?

In general, you can continue working as usual if you wish. Your employer will let you know if the strike will affect your work.

You may also be prevented from working because of a lockout started by your employer. What should I do if a lockout starts?

Check with your employer to see if the lockout will affect your work. Even if you are not directly affected by a lockout, your work may be prevented if, for example, the lockout results in a shortage of labour and you have to stop working altogether.

Can I get earnings-related daily allowance for the period of industrial action?

You will not be entitled to daily allowance if you take part in a strike or lockout.

You are also not entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance if you are indirectly made unemployed as a result of a strike or lockout and the industrial action is aimed at changing the terms and conditions of your employment. For example, if a site is shut down because of a strike and your employment conditions are the same as those of the strikers, you will not be entitled to unemployment benefit.

You can get daily allowance if you are prevented from working because of a strike or lockout and the terms and conditions of your employment are not affected by the industrial action. Your employer may also be obliged to pay you wages for up to seven days if a strike prevents you from working and does not affect your working conditions.

You may also be entitled to a daily allowance if, for example, your pay is interrupted because of industrial action and you were already completely unemployed before the strike or lockout started, or you were laid off before the industrial action started.

Does the YTK Unemployment Fund or YTK Worklife pay strike allowance?

No. The YTK Unemployment Fund is an unemployment fund. By law, unemployment funds are not responsible for paying strike benefits.

YTK Worklife is not a party to industrial action or collective bargaining. Therefore, membership has no effect in the event of a strike. If you are a member of a trade union, you can apply for strike allowance there.

What should I do if I feel pressured to strike? 

While industrial action can be a heated issue, it’s worth remembering that everyone has the right to participate or not in a strike. If you are a member of a trade union and do not take part in a strike, the union may, depending on its rules, expel you from its membership. Membership of the Unemployment Fund or the YTK Worklife is not affected and cannot be terminated on this basis.

If you encounter inappropriate language or treatment, find out whether your employer has a policy on how to deal with such situations. You can also report inappropriate treatment directly to your supervisor and the health and safety representative, or contact the health and safety department.

Strike directory

  • Industrial action is a general term for a situation where parties use pressure to reach a collective agreement they want.
  • A strike is an industrial action by workers to stop work. Typically, a strike refers specifically to actions organised in accordance with collective agreements, in which case it is a legal strike.
  • A lockout is an action by employers to suspend wages and prevent workers from going to work.