Insurance saved the sailor from suffering from a knee injury

- Insurance
There is a lifebuoy in the boat and members have a leisure-time accident insurance.
Knee was fixed with the insurance
Who: Topi, restaurant chef, 33 years
What happened: knee injury
How it was sorted out: leisure-time accident insurance covered the specialist’s appointment and MRI
”I was out sailing when the boat tilted due to a gust of wind, and I slid partly over the side and my knee was twisted”, says our member Topi. He tried to manage with the sore knee for a few months until he was tipped to have an MRI taken to allow for a precise diagnosis.
By referral of occupational physician Topi got to a specialist’s appointment and MRI. It turned out that the meniscus had been damaged. It was repaired in a minor procedure.
Starting from the specialist’s appointment, all costs fell within the inexpensive and comprehensive leisure-time accident insurance included in the membership of the YTK Association. “I’m very satisfied with the insurance, and the treatment of the injury went conveniently. I didn’t have to pay anything myself at any point, but the payments were made between the insurance company and medical clinic. Similar insurance would cost many times the price if you bought it by yourself.”