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Home Recommended by our members: Participating in courses and self-improvement has never been so easy and affordable

Recommended by our members: Participating in courses and self-improvement has never been so easy and affordable


  • Competence development
  • Job seeking
  • Jäsenyys
  • Member benefit
  • Studies

We regularly receive great feedback from our members about the Online Training Library for Working Life! With thousands of Eduhouse training courses available for free, members feel it’s easier than ever to develop and maintain their skills. Read what our members have to say about this benefit, worth hundreds of euros, that can help you build your skills portfolio too!

Members often tell us about their experiences and wishes in feedback surveys. In particular,the online training library for working life has been praised for:

  • the wide and varied range of training courses
  • the quality of the online courses and the knowledge of the trainers
  • practical help for everyday life and professional development
  • ease of use and flexibility to support learning
  • innovation
  • significant financial benefits

You can access the Online Training Library for Working Life by registering through OMA+. Be sure to tell a friend or employer about the benefit!

Training for employees, jobseekers and managers

“Very useful for everyday and professional needs. I have used it for example for IT problems, learning a new program, time management ideas, team management and company tax issues. Great stuff!”

“Provides an excellent opportunity for job seekers and employees alike to improve their skills.”

“Absolutely great! When I became unemployed, the online training library helped me to update my skills, both in Excel and negotiation skills. Not forgetting the aivobic!”

“There is a lot of training related to well-being at work in the selection, which I would highly recommend, even to those working in a busy everyday life!”

High quality and expert online courses

“A very unique and really useful benefit. It would be sheer folly not to take advantage of it. The trainers are good and professional. You learn new things and can update your skills by attending courses. And the range of courses is really varied. A great benefit!”

“The trainers are very knowledgeable and their instructions are easy to follow. The distance learning courses always allow you to stop if you lose track for a moment and dare to ask any stupid questions on the subject. Words cannot express how satisfied I am and how much I have benefited from these courses.”

Precision learning and practical working life skills

“I have received quick help for acute office software problems by watching training videos. A large and comprehensive range of useful training courses always available.”

“Eduhouse’s extensive training library offers a wealth of material to support your own skills and career goals. The courses are short and to the point, so you get the information you need and don’t waste your time looking for it.”

“I am very satisfied with Eduhouse’s offer of training in payroll, labour law and financial management. I really hope the service never goes away, it really does bring the latest information to your fingertips in an easy and convenient way, so you stay up to date with the information.”

Easy and flexible competence development

“The training packages are comprehensive, but they are broken down into conveniently small chunks that you can watch when you have time. Here’s a moment under the birch to learn and gain knowledge more easily than you think!”

“The package was broken down into short videos that made learning enjoyable.”

“Offers exactly what is needed now: the opportunity to develop oneself on one’s own, when and where one wants, according to one’s own needs and desires.

“Easy to fit flexibly into your own and your workplace’s schedule.”

Innovative and inspirational learning

“A direct goldmine: I’m able to learn a wide range of skills I need for my job, such as web, AI, Adobe software and project management.”

“The AI training package is impressive: if these courses don’t get you up to speed, nothing will.”

“Eduhouse is a hugely useful and employable unique advantage at the YTK!”

Hundreds of euros worth of benefits for free for members

“If you look at how much this type of training costs when you buy it yourself, you realise how much you get for your YTK membership fee. The benefit is really, really significant!”

“A really significant and inspiring benefit – much more valuable than a full year’s YTK membership fee!”

“The service has been perhaps the biggest reason for me to remain a member of the YTK Worklife without the slightest temptation to even consider leaving. The benefit of the service is excellent compared to the annual fee. No more wondering whether it makes sense to be a member or not.”

“Please participate in the training courses of the online training library! Really good service and free for members. Definitely consider membership!”

So make sure you are registered and logged in!

As a YTK Worklife member, you get free online training from experts in different fields:

  • a wide range of training tailored to your needs
  • interactive distance learning
  • live, AI-enabled courses
  • topical podcasts

For example, the online trainings cover topics such as:

  • artificial intelligence
  • communication and interaction
  • productivity and time management
  • well-being
  • leadership
  • Microsoft 365 software
  • Adobe software
  • project management
  • information security
  • social media
  • financial management
  • human resources, payroll and legal services