YTK is one of the most inspiring workplaces in Finland

YTK received a great recognition for year 2020: We are one of Finland’s most inspiring workplaces. Being ranked among “Finland’s most inspiring workplaces” indicates that we are investing in the development of operations by listening to each other’s views. We are inspired, motivated, and dedicated to work for serving our customers and for common goals. #innostavimmat
Nearly 200,000 professionals of their own field annually respond to the employee experience survey implemented by Eezy Spirit. The survey measures engagement, commitment, leadership, and organisational performance. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of the employee experience and the prerequisites for strategy implementation from the employee perspective.
Finland’s most inspiring workplaces are ranked annually, and the winners are announced in the spring. The awarded companies and organisations invest in developing their own organisation, employee well-being, operating culture and collaboration.
We are grateful for the recognition. In our view, YTK’s success is ensured by our customers’ positive experiences in working with us. They require a happy and motivated personnel that wants to encounter all our members with empathy. The Innostavimmat award indicates that we have managed to create a working community in which it is easy to genuinely support and help our members in the turning points of the working life. That’s a positive thing!