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E-invoice campaign rules

By ordering YTK Worklife’s membership fee as an e-invoice during the campaign period, you accept the rules of the raffle.

1. Organiser and partner

Raffle organiser:

YTK Worklife “raffle organiser”
Teollisuuskatu 4, FI-32200 Loimaa, Finland

2. Eligibility 

All members of YTK Worklife who choose the e-invoice method for YTK Worklife’s membership fee between 6 May and 2 June 2024 will participate in the raffle, with the exceptions listed below.

Employees of the organiser who have participated in the implementation of the raffle are not eligible to take part in the raffle. The organiser has the right, without separate notice, to disregard any participation in the raffle that has not been made in accordance with these terms and conditions.

A person can only enter the raffle once. Multiple entries by the same person will be removed.

By choosing the e-invoicing method during the campaign period, the person agrees to comply with these rules and decisions made by the Organiser based on them.   

3. Participation period 

The participation period is from 6 May to 2 June 2024 unless otherwise stated. E-invoice orders placed outside the participation period will not be accepted into the raffle.

4. Participation 

Members can participate in the raffle by choosing e-invoicing as the billing method for YTK’s membership fee during the campaign period. The e-invoice order serves as the entry in the raffle when the e-invoice order becomes valid.

5. Prizes

Two gift cards to with a value of €100 will be given away as prizes.

The prizes or a part of them cannot be exchanged for another prize or cash or transferred to another person. The Organiser is responsible for all costs related to the raffle. The Organiser reserves the right to replace the advertised prize with another prize of equivalent value.

6. Raffle 

The raffle takes place at the 3 June 2024.

YTK organises the raffle and draws the winner. Winners will be contacted personally by the Organiser. If a winner cannot be reached from the email listed in YTK’s membership register within seven working days of the raffle, the Organiser will draw a new winner.

The Organiser is responsible for any costs arising from the prizes. The winner may choose to refuse to accept the prize.

7. Organiser’s liability 

The recipient of the prize releases the Organiser and the Partner of the raffle from liability for any injury or damage caused or alleged to have been caused by participation in this raffle or the receipt or use of the prize. The Organiser’s liability towards participants shall under no circumstances exceed the value or amount of prizes stated in these rules.

Neither the Organiser nor the Partner are responsible for any misprints, errors in the contact details of participants or obstacles to participation in the raffle or receiving or using the prize arising from technical reasons.

The foregoing limitations of liability do not limit liability that cannot be excluded or limited under consumer protection or product liability legislation or other mandatory legislation.

8. Processing of personal data

The personal data you provide in connection with your participation in the raffle will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. The privacy statement can be found here.

9. Intellectual property

The rights to material used in the implementation of the raffle and related intellectual property rights are the property of the Organiser or Partner. Any use of any material related to the raffle is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Organiser.

10. Changes and interpretation of the rules

The Organiser reserves the right to make changes to these rules. Changes to the rules will be announced on YTK’s website. The Organiser may also revise or amend the rules in order to correct misprints or other errors during the participation period of the raffle. Ambiguities related to the application and interpretation of the rules of the raffle shall be decided by the Organiser.