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Home Membership

As a YTK member

More than half a million Finnish employees have already chosen the YTK Unemployment Fund as the insurer of their income security. Three out of four of them also choose YTK Work life services as their job security. As a member, you are guaranteed to be safe at every turn in your working life.

We believe in openness and freedom of choice

The YTK Unemployment Fund is open to employees in all sectors. As a member of the fund, you will receive financial protection in the event of unemployment. On top of the income protection, you can also choose from the comprehensive working life services of YTK Worklife and get broader protection for your working life. If you are still a student and in the early stages of your working life, you can become a student member at a low cost and benefit from all the working life services without having to join the Fund.

What we heard from our members😍

The lawyer who handled my case was extremely helpful, caring and professional. I felt very good about the service and I was very happy with it.


Very very good work that YTK lawyers are doing.


I have used the leisure time accident insurance several times, and once even for MRI scans. It feels easy and worry-free to know that my insurance is in order for all eventualities, even during my free time. An extremely good membership benefit!


Only the best for our members

We have developed our services for more than 30 years to offer the best for our members. We enquire about and track your satisfaction and make the changes our members want to see. In income security, you will receive fair treatment and respectful advice. We develop our working life services according to your wishes with a close eye on the constant changes in working life.

Monta erilaista kakkupalaa, joista käsi valitsemassa yhtä.
Käsi valitsemassa erilaisia pöydällä olevia esineitä ja työkaluja, kuten vasara, mittanauha, lankarulla, vispilä.

The ABC of membership

Who can join? How can I change from one unemployment fund to another? What is the membership requirement? Read answers to all membership questions here.

Recommend becoming a member

The most common reason to join us is referrals from friends. We are so pleased with how the good word gets around! If you’d like to spread the word too, you can download and print a poster about our membership for your workplace coffee room or use the digital version on your workplace information display. We can also send you a poster by post if you request it.

Become a member today!