YTK Tutor – always more prepared for working life

YTK Tutor helps if you get stuck with your studies or thesis
Increase your value in the job market and graduate without unnecessary stress! With our YTK Tutor online training, you can get help from writing and psychology experts with your thesis, dissertation or just getting on with your studies.
Did you already get a job? Join the fund!
Your YTK Student Membership does not include the fund’s earnings protection. Join the unemployment fund as soon as you get a job – even if it is a part-time job! As a member of the fund, you’ll get more money during unemployment or lay-offs than if you’re not a member. You get the most benefits when you are a member of both the YTK Fund and YTK Worklife.

What should at least be in the employment contract?
An employment contract is the most important document in an employment relationship and it is always a good idea to put it in writing and read it carefully. For tips on the employment contract and the best employment advice, check out our work life guide!

Make the most of your membership benefits as a YTK Student
- Comprehensive leisure accident insurance valid anywhere in the world
- YTK Tutor online coaching to help you finish your studies
- F-Secure security to protect your devices at a lower cost
- Save big with discounts on hotel and wellness services