FeelHobby sports and wellness service
FeelHobby is a wellness streaming service worth being hooked on! As a YTK Worklife member, you can try selected content for free and get a 20 € discount on a 3-month FeelHobby membership (normally 59.95 €).

FeelHobby has over 1000 videos and 50 courses to choose from. With just one login, you get everything you need for training, recovery and exercise. Get involved with professionals and wellness influencers.
Free trial and 20 € discount on a 3-month FeelHobby membership
Try selected content for free and use your YTK Worklife member benefit: 3-month Feelhobby for 39.95 €!
After this period, the service will continue at the normal price of 59.95 € / 3 months. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Claim your benefit in OMA+.