Lakiruutu: help with employment relationships
Are you wondering about salary issues, trial periods or even the accrual of annual leave? Get practical legal help on employment issues with our Lakiruutu videos. All the videos are in Finnish and are available to our combined members.

In the Lakiruutu-videos, we help our members with legal dilemmas at work. In the videos, a lawyer gives legal advice on employment issues and advice on the most common employment challenges our members face. The videos can be viewed in the OMA+ webinars and training section of the YTK Worklife members’ website. Note that the videos are only in Finnish.
Explore the topics of the Lakiruutu videos
Inappropriate behaviour is unfortunately common in the workplace. Where is the line between harassment and the employer’s right to supervise, i.e. when are the employer’s orders an abuse of the right to supervise? What kind of behaviour in the workplace is inappropriate? This Lakiruutu contains advice on what to do if you are being treated inappropriately in the workplace. Watch the video on OMA+!
In this video, a lawyer explains the issues related to trainee contracts. The video explains what to look out for in a trainee agreement. Watch the video on OMA+!
When does the employer have a productive or financial reason to terminate the employment relationship? Is there a statutory order of dismissal? In this video, we go through the questions of our members who have been dismissed for production or financial reasons. In addition, the section on the order of dismissal discusses the specific categories of workers with increased protection against dismissal and the prohibited grounds for dismissal. Watch the video on OMA+!
In this video, a lawyer discusses the issues related to directors’ contracts. The video discusses the types of things that are often worth agreeing in a directors’ contract. Watch the video on OMA+!
A non- compete agreement may restrict the employee’s right to enter into a employment contract with an employer who is in competition with the previous employer. A non- compete agreement may also restrict the employee’s right to engage in competing activities for his or her own account after termination of employment. This section of the Lakiruutu discusses, among other things, when a non-compete agreement can be concluded, the compensation payable for non-compete agreements, the maximum duration of the agreement and the compensation payable for breach of the agreement. Watch the video on OMA+!
During the trial period, you will be tested on both sides of your suitability. What should you take into account if an employer comes to you during the trial period with a note saying that you are no longer employed? In what circumstances can a new trial period or an extension of the trial period be agreed? These and many other trial period cancellation questions are dived into in the Trial Period Cancellation episode of the Lakiruutu series. Watch the video on OMA+!
During a lay-off, work and pay are temporarily suspended at the employer’s initiative, but the employment relationship is otherwise maintained. The lay-off may be indefinite or fixed-term, partial or full-time. In the case of a partial lay-off, it can be either a reduced working week or a working day. In this Lakiruutu video, a lawyer discusses the grounds for a lay-off, working for another employer during a lay-off, termination of employment during a lay-off and compensation after 200 days. The video also discusses issues relating to accrual of leave and benefits in kind during a period of lay-off. Watch the video on OMA+!
According to the Employment Contracts Act, the final salary must be paid on the last day of the employment relationship. You should check the employment contract or any collective agreement to see if there are any other agreements on the payment of the final salary. In this video, a lawyer discusses, among other things, the issues related to the payment of the waiting period for late payment of the final salary. Watch the video on OMA+!
In this section, you can prepare for the change negotiations. Change negotiations raise questions in the workplace about the situation in your own workplace. When should negotiations take place? Does the shop steward represent all workers in the negotiations? How long do negotiations last? What information can be requested from the employer during the change negotiations? These questions are answered in the Change Negotiations section of the Lakiruutu. Watch the video on OMA+!
An employment contract may be concluded for a fixed term for a justified reason. The law lays down restrictions on fixed-term employment contracts concluded at the initiative of the employer. What is a justified reason for concluding a fixed-term employment contract? Can you leave a fixed-term employment contract before the expiry of the fixed-term contract? Can an employer dismiss an employee on a fixed-term contract? These are some of the questions answered by a lawyer in this Lakiruutu. Watch the video on OMA+!
What is the obligation to offer work in a part-time employment relationship? How are hours over and above those of a part-time contract compensated? When is the employer obliged to agree to the employee’s request for part-time work? What if a part-time worker wants more hours? What is a zero hours contract? How are “guaranteed hours”, i.e. minimum working time, determined in variable hours contracts? A lawyer answers these questions in this Lakiruutu. Watch the video on OMA+!
When must the salary be paid? What if the pay is late or incorrect? Where can I get back pay if my employer goes bankrupt? What is the process for claiming back wages in court? This Lakiruutu focuses on the problems of wage arrears. Watch the video on OMA+!
If you are owed your wages due to an employer’s insolvency, watch the recording of the Lakiruutu’s pay security webinar, open to all, on YouTube.
In this Lakiruutu, a lawyer explains termination agreements. The video explains the situations in which termination agreements are often offered, whether you have to agree to a termination agreement and what to do if one is proposed. The video also explains how a termination agreement differs from a settlement agreement in litigation. The lawyer also discusses points to look out for in connection with termination agreements. Watch the video on OMA+!
When is the hearing held? What happens at the hearing? In this Lakiruutu, a lawyer will go through the issues surrounding hearings. Watch the video on OMA+!
How are the terms and conditions of employment determined? How extensive is the employer’s right to manage the work? In what circumstances can the essential terms and conditions of employment be changed? What happens to the employment relationship if the employee does not agree to a change in the terms and conditions? This section deals with the modification of the terms and conditions of employment and the extent of the employer’s right to manage the employment relationship. Watch the video on OMA+!
If you are faced with being dismissed, you may have many questions. This is particularly true in cases of dismissal for personal reasons. For example, is incapacity for work or long-term sick leave sufficient? Is it always necessary to give a warning before dismissal? What is the difference between termination of employment and dismissal? You can find answers to these questions, among others, in the Lakiruutu section Termination of employment for personal reasons. Watch the video on OMA+!
How should parental leave be agreed with your employer? How long is parental leave paid for? Does the employer have to pay salary during parental leave? The lawyer will also discuss the protection against dismissal of workers on parental leave, the accumulation of annual leave during parental leave and the right to return to work after the end of parental leave. Watch the video on OMA+!
Under the Employment Contracts Act, a worker who has failed to fulfil or has breached his or her obligations under the employment relationship may not be dismissed before he or she has been given a warning to correct the situation. Lawyer Hillevi Kontturi-Karvinen discusses issues related to warnings. Watch the video on OMA+!
This section focuses on the accrual of annual leave. First, we will look at how annual leave accrues in normal situations and when leave must be taken. However, in the case of family leave, study leave, sick leave or a period of lay-off, annual leave does not usually accrue as it normally does. The video “Accrual of annual leave in special situations” deals with these special situations. Watch the video on OMA+!
We receive a lot of questions about holiday pay and how it is determined. In this Lakiruutu, a lawyer explains how leave pay is determined in different situations. For example, the Lakiruutu explains how leave pay is determined for an hourly-paid employee, for example. The video also explains how leave pay and any leave allowance are determined and the payment schedules for these. Watch the video on OMA+!