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Annual holiday during the employee’s days off or leave or notice period
The employer may not, without the employee’s consent, order annual leave to start on the employee’s day off if this reduces the number of days of leave. Holidays of three days or less cannot be granted without the employee’s consent in such a way that a day of holiday falls on the employee’s day off as listed in the shift roster.
The employer may not, without the employee’s consent, order annual holiday to be taken during the employee’s pregnancy or parental leave. If the employee’s annual holiday cannot be granted in the manner required by the Annual Holidays Act due to pregnancy or parental leave, the holiday may be granted within six months of the end of the leave.
If the employee wishes to take their accrued holiday before the end of the employment relationship, this must be agreed with the employer. If it has not been expressly agreed that the holiday will be taken before the end of the employment relationship, the employee cannot unilaterally decide whether to take the holiday. The employer may also require that accrued days of holiday are taken during the notice period. However, the employer must comply with the provisions of the law regarding the notice period and the placement of holidays during periods of time off or leave. At the end of the employment relationship, the employee is entitled to holiday compensation for unused holidays. If all holidays are used before the end of the employment relationship, the employee may also be entitled to holiday bonus on the basis of the collective agreement, even if the employee longer returns to work.